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Training the Guard.
ZackMarcusDate: Thursday, 2014-02-20, 7:41 AM | Message # 421
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silence prevaded the air for a while till a voice broke the pause

"because," Mash spoke with a resolute tone "everyponyelse is getting ready so we are getting you ready too."

Rarity nods "he's right, as we left we saw a group getting a peptalk from Shining," she looked away hoping the group couldn't see the tears appear

"he gave it to them sraight, they were afraid" Luna said with a sad look on her face
DuhadDate: Thursday, 2014-02-20, 11:09 PM | Message # 422
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"So..." Spell Weaver trailed off.

"This is the end." Bottle Rocket said, slumping.

"And where all in this together." Fever Pitch nodded, smiling, but looking worried.

Rockcrusher stepped forward, beckoning for his armor. "Its more ponies and a bigger target, but that changes nothing." He gives the others a stern look. "We put our lives on line so that others don't have too. If you have a problem and don't want to finish what you started then you can leave."

Spell Weaver shook her head. "No. For that monster, we can go one more round."
ZackMarcusDate: Saturday, 2014-04-19, 9:07 AM | Message # 423
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"tis very encoraging to hear" Luna said with a wide smile "now everypony, equip your Guardian Arms" she said levitating the remaining 'Arms' to their intended user
DuhadDate: Saturday, 2014-04-19, 10:33 PM | Message # 424
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Rock and Fever Pitch quickly slipped on there armor, but Bottle Rocket shook his head. Spell Weaver looked at him curiously. "What's the matter?"

Bottle Rocket rubbed his temple with a hoof. "Sorry, but I am done with crazy magical artifacts, spells and all that madness. All it ever dose is get us into trouble or encourages some elder god to start messing around with us." He pushes the armor away with a hoof. "Besides, after everything that has happened, I want to finish right. We stop him our way, not his. No crazy tricks or powers."

Spell Weaver sighed and pushed her armor away as well. "Sure, let's show him what it means to mess with the royal gaurd."

Rockbraker shook his head. "You too are going to get yourself's killed over your dame stubbornness." He looked at Fever Pitch. "Don't even THINK about taking off that supper weapon! We need every advantage we can get, especially if there playing at this whole thing aging!"

Spell Weaver looked confused. "Wait, aren't yo going to argue with us about this?"

Rockbraker grunted irritably. "No point and no time. You two are a match set, you know that? I have expect you to jump off a bridge one day, just to spite the idea of fate. But till then, armored or know, your still more useful cooperating then dedicating to make this a sticking point and sitting by the side lines because somepony tried to talk some sense into your think heads!"

Bottle Rocket and Spell Weaver looked astonished as Rockbraker let out another angry snort then turned back to the Princess. As soon as his back was turned they broke out into simultaneous grins.

"Now." Rock said, clamming himself. "What is the plan?"
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2014-04-22, 8:25 AM | Message # 425
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Luna nods, turning to Rocket and Weaver "if this is what you wish but ask that you keep the Arms near by, there may come a time you might need them" with a sight bow she turns back to Rock with a look of worry "I'm afraid I don't know much about what is to come"

"we saw Zack talking with Princess Celestia and the Generals of the Guard, but we didn't get much only that most of the Guard is to be stationed around Canterlot while a few detatchments are to be sent to all the major population centers around Equestria" Rarity stated rather flatly
DuhadDate: Tuesday, 2014-04-22, 7:43 PM | Message # 426
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"Alright, so what do we have here?" Rock looks to Rarity. "I assume that we will have the elements to deal the final blow," He looks to Luna, "And can we expect your direct intervention or will you be returning to the capitol?"

Spell Weaver frowns. "He has shown a serious interest in this town. Maybe its us or one of the residence or just a natural fear of the Elements themselves, but if we focus our defense here we should be able to force a fight on our terms. After all, I doubt we have much on our side that could even slow him down that is NOT currently stationed here or in Canterlot. If that thing wanted to bunt undefended cites, he will do so no mater how many guards send out. Besides that, he wants to end everything, so one lose here and there is no fall back." She swallows hard. "We might as well pool all our forces here because there is only going to be one fight. We beat him here or everypony, everywhere dies."
ZackMarcusDate: Wednesday, 2014-04-23, 8:56 PM | Message # 427
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( )

"that is not entirely true," Luna states gaining looks of surprise and confusion "the elements Anima are the key to the magic but the amount of Mana needed for it to work is.... beyond him, beyond me, beyond Tia, beyond even all three of us together." she said as a great sadness swept over her "what I had almost done that day" was all she managed though the tears.
DuhadDate: Thursday, 2014-04-24, 5:01 AM | Message # 428
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"Wait, I thought the elements where born by the 6 ponies who embodied there virtues? Can't they just, you know, be friends and save the day?" Fear Pitch looks confused.

"And that dose not answer my question about target priorities." Spell Weaver adds. "It still seems like our best chance would be one deceive battle."
ZackMarcusDate: Thursday, 2014-04-24, 5:26 AM | Message # 429
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Mico sat next to Luna and began to comfort her "its ok Sister Luna," she said nuzzling Luna

Merry leaned towards Fever "the Anima elements work diffrently from the Harmony ones" putting her hoof out and having it arc with energy

Luna quieted thanks to Mico's care but as she tried to rise Mico stoped her "it is alright Sister you rest, I can tell what remains." she said rising to stand her place taken by Twilight "My Sister speaks of the Rite of the Author's quill, it is old magic made by our Mother and Aunt."
DuhadDate: Friday, 2014-04-25, 1:50 AM | Message # 430
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"Riiiiiiight?" Spell Weaver asks, dragging out the word while waving a hoof to prompt Merry to continue.
ZackMarcusDate: Friday, 2014-04-25, 6:01 PM | Message # 431
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Mico nodded "as Sister Luna already stated this spell's Mana requisite is understandable high, if a normal unicorn tried they would be consumed by it and it wouldn't even backfire. the point is that he can't do the spell with out a very powerful source to draw from and the only source powerful enough is-" Mico was cut off by Twilight's horn arcing

after a few moments Twilight's eyes grew wide and her horn gives off a loud bang and sends her flying backwards into a into a book case.
DuhadDate: Saturday, 2014-04-26, 7:50 PM | Message # 432
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"What was that!?" Bottle Rocket yelps dropping into a defensive position.

"The princess!" Spell Weaver rushes forward, followed closely by Rock. The two hurry to Twilight's side and try to help her up. "Are you ok?"
ZackMarcusDate: Sunday, 2014-04-27, 6:29 PM | Message # 433
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Twilight shakes her head "it was just a mana feedback, I'm ok but my shield was just broken. I let my guard down I'm sorry"

"so Brother is almost here huh, fine let us begin" Luna said rising to her hooves with a determined her horn glowed bright and a grand suit of battle armor appered on her as two swords began floating around her. One a standard looking broadsword with her wings for its guard and a crescent moon at the top of the hilt open towards the blade, the other an odd looking heavy ended blade with a tilted hilt and a pole running up the back of the blade "this nightmare ends here!"
DuhadDate: Sunday, 2014-04-27, 8:10 PM | Message # 434
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Bottle Rockets blind eyes flash as he turns towered the door. "Lets finish this. Are you all ready?" Behind him the other guards nod and move into formation. The small company marched through the door and out onto the street.
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2014-04-29, 1:33 AM | Message # 435
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the door opened to show Luminious Star on the other side of the open area just outside the library his eye portary a smug confidence

"oh Sister Luna it has been awhile hasn't it, just over a thousand years yes?" Star said with a cruel grin "and has Sister Solis forgiven you for stabing her in the back yet?"

"cease your attempts at provocation," Luna's eyes narrow "and cease calling us your Sisters you lost that right eons ago" she said pointing her broadsword at him

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