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The Waning Days of Light
DuhadDate: Friday, 2014-04-25, 1:54 AM | Message # 121
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Glade gowns. "Can anypony in this company go for more then an hour without insulting somepony else? Look, I doubt she is going to give you allot of time to talk her down before she flies off so try and think your words out carefully before you say them. Alright?"

*     *     *

"So..." Brass says, walking besides Dart a distance behind the others. "Last night you jumped pretty quick to the assumption that the little lady had feelings for me. Why was that?"
ZackMarcusDate: Friday, 2014-04-25, 6:26 PM | Message # 122
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"I've had a few relationships that started like this and it is a popular plot point in many books Ive read, then again we don't know where this tale will end so..." Dart said with grin


"darnit, I'll just say something stupid again Tak can you-"

"say no more brother" Tak cut her brother off before speeding up

"also she didn't insult me it was just a playful rib" Jack said with a grin
DuhadDate: Saturday, 2014-04-26, 7:48 PM | Message # 123
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Brass Belle looks genuinely confused at Darts explanation. "You Equestrians base real life speculation on the lives of fictional characters?" He shakes his head and mutters something in a bemused tone that sounds a little like, "Ponies these days." But you can't be sure.

*     *     *

Nightingale looks back briefly to see Tak approaching, with Glade and Jack trailing behind. "Well, I am glade attest some ponies have come to there senses. Is your cousin going to join us or he is staying with him?"
ZackMarcusDate: Sunday, 2014-04-27, 6:47 PM | Message # 124
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"I asume you mean Brass, they'll both be here soon Moonlight is telling him off at the moment and he will most likely keep his opinions to him self for a time and I beg you to see past him and your self for at least that long so this mission has a chance at success" Tak said a single tear appears on her stoic face "my aunt Twilight is in danger, I ask you this, don't put her life in peril."
DuhadDate: Sunday, 2014-04-27, 8:20 PM | Message # 125
Group: Moderators
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Nightingales's jawline tightens as her face reddens. "Fine!" She snarls. "For the sake of the ponies we are here to help I'll stay, but I am not giving him a second chance."

From the gate Brass Belle and Dart hold back, watching the exchange. Looking at them Nightingale's expression darkens further. "I am going to go and scoot ahead. There is a cross roads a few miles down this road, I'll meet you there and let you know if there is anything we should be worried about." And with that she takes off into the sky, quickly shrinking into a purple shadow in the sky.

"Well." Brass said, slowly approaching along with the rest of the ponies. "That didn't look to promising."

*When you are ready to move on, just end a post by saying that the group takes off down the road.*

Message edited by Duhad - Sunday, 2014-04-27, 8:21 PM
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2014-04-29, 1:11 AM | Message # 126
Colonel general
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Tak looks back at him with a glare "if something happens to her, Twilight, or the other members of group one I'm holding you responsible" she said in a huff and marched down the path

"in case your wondering what that was about Brass, Tak takes Trust out in the field very seriously"

"with it you woun't be able to work as a team as effectively" with that Jack and Dart follow Tak and Nightingale
DuhadDate: Tuesday, 2014-04-29, 8:18 AM | Message # 127
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"Right, which is why she is trying to alienate me, right?" Brass shouted after them.

"Your an outsider, a provoker and truculently the one pony around who can shoulder the blame for whats going on." Glade states, dryly as he takes off after the others. "If you want to not be yelled at when things go wrong you should try being a bit nicer."

*     *     *

As the small group approaches the randevu, Brass, who had moved ahead of the group to better facilitate his role as guild, slowed to walk along side Tak. After taking a long moment to catch his breath he said, "Look, I just wanted to apologize to you about earlier. I know your trying to do your best to lead this mission and that that is not an easy thing to do." He sighs. "And the last thing you need is me making your job harder. But I just wanted to let you know that I think your doing alright for a pony who has never had to lead a mission abroad before."

For a moment it looks like he wants to say something else, but can't seem to think of the right words when his attention is suddenly drawn to a point in the distance. "That's the cross roads sign." He explains, voice oddly tense. From his bag he quickly withdraws a looking glass and peers through it, cursing under his breath. "But Nightingales not there."
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2014-04-29, 10:53 PM | Message # 128
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she gives him a apologetic look "just try to be nicer to her ok? ..... wait what!" Tak said snapping her attention to the crossroad "Jack, Glade fly up and scan around for her. Moonlight, you and me will look around here on the ground"

Jack snapped a salute and took off
Dart gave nod as his horn lit and began scaning the ground
DuhadDate: Wednesday, 2014-04-30, 3:58 AM | Message # 129
Group: Moderators
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As the pegasus take to the sky, the earth bound ponies began to pick about the area. It dose not take long for Tak to find a bit of hair caught on the sign post itself. Seeing her find, Brass quickly moves forward to examine the area directly around the sign. At the same time Dart discovers a series of light takes leading both towered and away from the cross roads.

After concluding his investigation Brass snarls. "Something is wrong here. Nightingale was here, she leaned against this post and stayed her for sometime." He points to a few grooves in the ground. "She was board and agitated, so she kicked the dirt, but she didn't want to leave in case we showed up." He points the the hair. "When she did take off though, it was in a hurry. Enough of one where she tore out a bit of her mane without taking the time to free it more carefully." He looks over to the tracks. "My guess is that whoever left thous was the reason why she left in such a hurry." He frowns. "But Dart didn't see any signs of a body being dragged with them. So if they didn't drag her off, then where is she?"

He looks to the others. "I'm a tracker and a guild, not a fighter. There are allot of tracks here and no proof that they have Nightingale, so if we follow them it could mean trouble for nothing. Still, waiting here might not be a good plan either, if they come back." He looks uncomfortable as he concludes. "We might want to just to press on. She knows where we are going and if she is free, she will probably be expecting to meet us at the next land mark on our map. If we don't show up, she might assume that we where caught and go ahead with the mission alone or come back for us and get hurt."
ZackMarcusDate: Wednesday, 2014-04-30, 10:32 PM | Message # 130
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"we will only move ahead if she is safe, you'd better be absolutely certain" Tak said with a sharp glare after Brass gave his recommendation "because if she isn't and we leave her to die because of you there will be Tartarus to pay" she said with fearsome tone before stepping away a few meters from the group

"that was very odd, I'll have to ask Jack about what just happened" Dart said to himself
DuhadDate: Thursday, 2014-05-01, 1:18 AM | Message # 131
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Brass Belle sighs as he looks to the other two. "I can't say for certain if she is free right now or not. I think its unlikely that she has been imprisoned and that going after thous ponies could end up badly for both us and her, but I can't honestly say that I am cretin of that assessment. She could have gone with them willingly or she could have been grabbed by flyers while the grounded ponies left without her." He looks the the sky. "Outside of Equestria, you don't get many tribes of mixed races. Your homeland is an anomaly in that way. So if she was taken in the air and did not go willingly or escape, then her captures where most likely not of the same group as the ponies who left these tracks." He looks to where Tak is standing and mutters. "I am a guild, not a leader or s solider. If a chose is made, its your, not mine. I have given you my option, but I am not going to let you use me as a scapegoat if you regret your chose latter."
ZackMarcusDate: Saturday, 2014-05-03, 5:58 AM | Message # 132
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{just so you know I don't like this kind of stuff}

Dart looks around for a bit before saying "if what you say is true, and I know for a fact most bands are quite territorial it would be safe to assume she was not captured in the air as there are no signs of conflict as battle would have started had another group grabbed her" he turns to Tak "Kat I think it is safe to press on and meet her at the next checkpoint" Tak blushed at the name he called her but soon nodded and began to walk towards the next meeting point

please by the Author let this be the right choice Tak thought to her self
DuhadDate: Saturday, 2014-05-03, 8:01 AM | Message # 133
Group: Moderators
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{Don't worry, that was mostly to determine something something else.}

As the small company traveled on towered the next sight, Dart began to feel the disconcerting presence of eyes on his back. Seeing nopony around him, he looked up to see a familiar bat pony head poking out from behind a cloud. Before he could say anything, Nightingale put a hoof to her mouth in a silencing motion. She quickly mouths the world, "tonight" before diapering from sight,

Looking back at his distracted companion, Brass Belle raised an eyebrow. "See something?" He asks, voice slightly straitened as his eyes scan the horizon.
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2014-05-06, 0:19 AM | Message # 134
Colonel general
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"not sure, yet" Dart stared at the cloud for a moment more befor fixing his gaze on Brass and continued walking "how much do you know about the bandit groups that operate in the area?"

"whats that got to do with the quest at hand?" Jack asked as Tak looked back confused as well

"perhaps more than we think, as they say knowledge is power"
DuhadDate: Tuesday, 2014-05-06, 1:26 AM | Message # 135
Group: Moderators
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Brass shrugs. "It's a slightly complicated question. There are plenty of ponies and other creatures that would happily pray on a lone pony or even a small group if they thought they could get away with it. In the numbers we saw back there though, it would have to be more then just a despite family or an opportunist with a mean stark that frightened off our friend. As for larger groups, there are a few pony tribes that might be willing to attack groups on mass, but none this close to Equestria's borders. It would be to much of a risk."

He points to the south. "There are the Diamond Dogs, who have a bad habit of taking ponies to work in there mines, but they can't fly and would not have been able to take Nightingale without leaving obvious signs. Griffons rarely fly this far south and thous that do would have no use in a captive or slave."

He pauses as if debating what to say next. "There is one other possibility, but I don't want to get you all existed, because no pony has seen them in any numbers since before any of us where born, but..." He rolls his eyes. "The elders of my tribe tell stories about the shape shifting monsters that roamed the night, stealing ponies in there sleep and replacing them with there own. Then, one day they changed, became wild and monsters. They raged across our lands on there way to Equestria where where meet there end and almost payed your ponies back in turn." He shakes his head. "We still see one every now and then, love starved and near feral after being cut off from the tribe, but I doubt even an barely tried child would allow herself to ambushed by a feral and even if she was, it would be walking besides us now, pretending to be her."

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