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The Waning Days of Light
DuhadDate: Sunday, 2013-09-29, 10:02 PM | Message # 1
Group: Moderators
Messages: 1489
Reputation: 4
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It has been twenty years since second changeling invasion devastated Equestria and drove its Princess mad. Twenty years of Equestria's neighbor pushing there influence into the borders of the nation.

Princess Luna, solo monarch of the nation after her sisters descent into insanity, had united and rebuilt Equestria, but her rule has not been without its troubles. While the average pony on the street sees the Moon Princess as a savoir and hero who rose to the challenge of there darkest hour, her integration of the Bat ponies of the Night Guard as full members of the Royal Guard, though necessary to bolster the numbers of the decimated Guard, was not a popular discussion with many ponies both in and out of the armed services.

Along the borders Field Marshal Song Bird, head of the newly formed Royal Equestrian Army, formally known as The Regulars, holds key border fortress to stand as a deterrent ageist aggression.

A few weeks ago a small team, contesting of a group of highly decorated veterans of the second changeling war, as well as the six mares bearing the elements of harmony departed from Canterlot to parts unknown. Today a letter have been sent out, requesting a select group of ponies come to Canterlot Castle to meet privet with Princess Luna.

{Powers limited to show ONLY! No bloodline/mystical heritage/things not seen in the show. All three primary pony races, bat ponies (they can fly and have incredibly good night vision), zebras, griffons, changelings , donkeys and horses are fine, though none ponies need a reason to be there and changelings should keep in mind that hatred towered them has been at an near murderous level for the last 20 years.}
ZackMarcusDate: Sunday, 2013-09-29, 11:07 PM | Message # 2
Colonel general
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"come on we're gonna be late" a young burgundy pegasus stallion called out to a silver unicorn mare who was lagging behind

"I swear, one more time and I'll zap you again" she said shooting a glare at him "if you forgot I'm not a pegasus" she yelled into his ear after pulling him close

"ow, wow" he said with a pout after recovering from the ringing "ok ok but we should hurry or we're gonna be late"

"oh please, I'm sure the Princess will wait for us" she said with a confident tone

"yea for maybe five minutes, we're not that important" he said taking off with the unicorn hot on his tail.
DuhadDate: Monday, 2013-09-30, 2:02 AM | Message # 3
Group: Moderators
Messages: 1489
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The two ponies entire into the grand hall of Canterlot Castle. The thrown room is decorated in rich, dark blues with a high backed silver thrown at its far wall. Sitting upon it is the princess of the nigh herself.

knelling before Luna are a par of ponies, a copper earth pony stallion and a bat pony mare wearing the armor of the REA. (Royal Equestrian Army none officer armor is pale blue plate with a dark purple crest)

Luna smiles as the two new arrives approach. "Ah," She says as the siblings kneel. "It gladdens us see the children of Zack Marcu's grown into fine young adults." She gestures for all to rise. "These two are the son and daughter of one of the greatest hero's of the second changeling invasion and true friend to the crown, Zack Marcus."

The two other ponies nod to the siblings.

"This," Luna points a hoof to the earth pony, "Is Brass Belle, he comes from the south lands and has proven an able aid to the border forts in the area by helping them to maintain good relationships with the residents of the area." The earth pony bows his head. "And this," Luna turns her hoof to the Bat Pony who's face turns an alarming sad of scarlet as the princess turns her attention to her. "Is Nightingale, the second daughter of our own gaurd captain Starlight Shield and Field Marshal Songbird. She has expressed a desire to follow in her parents hoof steps, but has had... troubles." The bat pony seems as if she would like nothing better, then to sink though the floor at this very moment. "But she has proven more then proficient in areas of training that we have deemed vital for this exasperation."

"What is it exactly you want from us malady?" Brass Belle asked, drawing the princess gaze away from the quivering bat pony.

"We apologize, but we cannot revel that information at this time." The princess looks less then happy about this situation as she adds, "We cannot know what ears listen even here."

The others can't help, but think that if the princess shouted at a slightly lower volume that it might not be as much of an issue, no pony says anything.

"I have given a letter explaining what you need to know to one of you, but to whom and to what it is to detail we cannot say, save to inform you that it is a matter of the utmost impotence and secrecy." Luna gives you all a grave look before adding. "And that we have secured for you a privet, military train to take you to your first destination. We advise that you get to know one another upon that trip, once you arrive I have left more information with the ponies there and once you have moved on the letter will answer all there is for you to know."

Luna frowns. "We are sorry that we must keep you in the dark on this, truly we are, but know that I have the utmost faith in all of you and that I would not be sending you if I had either any fears that you could not succeed... or any other options open to me. Now go, the train will wait for you, but time is off the essence."
ZackMarcusDate: Monday, 2013-09-30, 3:56 AM | Message # 4
Colonel general
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"aw yeah, our first real adventure." the pegasus couldn't contain his grin

the unicorn sighs "do try to control your self Jack, we are still in her majesty's presence"

"opps, sorry Tak, Princess" Jack straightens up before another grin breaks across his face "Dad is gonna be so proud"
DuhadDate: Monday, 2013-09-30, 4:21 AM | Message # 5
Group: Moderators
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"Before you go, there is one last thing. We am sending one of my gaurd to escort you attest as far as the first stop. He will ensure that nopony tires anything... untoward happens to you till you can start your mission." Luna gestures bat pony gaurd holding a spear who had been standing by a far door. "Shaded Glade here is as fine and loyal a servant of Equestria as one could hope to meet. Now you really must hurry to catch that train."
ZackMarcusDate: Monday, 2013-09-30, 6:06 PM | Message # 6
Colonel general
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"sure thing Princess, let's go" Jack said just before taking off for the door

Tak bows "do forgive my brother's exuberance your Highness. You two are coming, yes?" looking to the bat ponies "if so then let us be on our way" she said walking to the door.
DuhadDate: Monday, 2013-09-30, 7:09 PM | Message # 7
Group: Moderators
Messages: 1489
Reputation: 4
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The three other ponies bow to the princess and hurry after the siblings.

The train station had been expanded in recent years to accommodate the need for supplies to be sent in bulk to the border. Even so it is still a primarily civilian hub as the funding towered the military expatiation had not accommodated the request to built a privet, secure station for military use. Like wise even though REA supply cars have been added to many passenger trains, there are only a few trains dedicated solely to the armies use. The fact that one of these dedicated trains is the transport for the small group is thus both existing and a little intimidating.

Getting onto the train the group is quickly hurried into a privet officers car, temporally re-fitted to hold five ponies. There is a small food table set up against one wall.

"There really treating us right." Brass Belle observes, looking over the food on display. "When they brought me up here it was no where near as nice as this." He looks over at Nightingale. "I spouse we can thank your dad for this?" The earth ponies voice is some what cold and the bat pony bristles.

"My father dose not accept special treatment where not strictly appropriate and he expects us to do the same. Mom would not ask for something like this either so don't thank me."
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-01, 2:15 AM | Message # 8
Colonel general
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"who cares, it's swank" Jack said sitting down on a cushion "so let's get to know each other, starting with you lieutenant quiet" he said looking at the bat guard know as Shaded Glade
Will_EvergrennDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-01, 2:25 AM | Message # 9
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The bat pony lifted his helmet off shaking the helmet mane out of his dark brown hair falling to frame his bright emerald dagger shaped eyes "My name is Shaded Glade, Sir."
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-01, 2:32 AM | Message # 10
Colonel general
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"whoa, hold up, no need for that 'yes sir, no sir' stuff. you won't get any of that from me and I don't want any from any of you ok?" Jack said motioning to everyone while Tak sighs again
DuhadDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-01, 3:50 AM | Message # 11
Group: Moderators
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"Alright." Brass Belle shrugs. "Its not like I was planing on it anyway."

Nightingale looks a little uncomfortable. "I didn't realize we where expected to in the first place. I thought you where both civilians?" she bites her lower lip. "I know I should have asked something! Father and mom would have..." She tails off jumps up to attention. "Civilian Nightingale, sirs and mama!" Brass Belle just rolls his eyes.
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-01, 6:25 AM | Message # 12
Colonel general
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Tak gives Jack a smack to the back of the head "now look at what you've done, I'm sorry my brother gets ahead of him self sometimes I'm not in the guard yet, Jack is but he's only a Private 3rd class, certainly no position for a 'yes sir' " she finished with a glare at Jack

"that hurt" Jack said rubbing the back of his head "yea a Private 3rd now but it only a matter of time till I make Captain" he said with a smug grin

Tak sighs "at any rate, do you have any questions for us?"
DuhadDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-01, 6:45 PM | Message # 13
Group: Moderators
Messages: 1489
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"Um... Well I am kinda of curious as to what training you have received? Father said that your dad was the best instructor the gaurd ever had and since your brother and you are in training I figured that, um well, you know." Nightingale looks uncomfortable with everypony looking at her.

Brass Belle clears his throat, "In addition to her question, I would not mind knowing if any of us," He looks around the train car. "Are leaving anypony behind. Where we are going, having something good to remind yourself of why you are pushing when things get rough. He flashes a winning smile at Tak and Nightingale. "And if you don't it helps to have one." At this last remark Nightingale snaps to attention, starring determinedly in at a patch of wall as her face go's from red to an alarming shade of maroon.
ZackMarcusDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-01, 7:27 PM | Message # 14
Colonel general
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Tak starts blushing as her brother rolling around laughing "I've never even thought about it"

"stop lying, I've seen you making goo goo eyes at Crystalarium" he said slowly stopping

"what, no you- when?" she fumbles with wide eyes

"sis, your not subtle at all" he said getting serious

{I'm surprised you haven't asked about their marks yet}
DuhadDate: Tuesday, 2013-10-01, 9:39 PM | Message # 15
Group: Moderators
Messages: 1489
Reputation: 4
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{That's something that I am leaving to you describe. Considering the fact that in the show the only time ponies describe there marks its to kids or under there own volition I figured that not really something you ask somepony about, more something that you let them tell you about when you get to know them or just figure out based on what it's of and what they do. But, to make things a little easier I will point out that Brass has a doted line with a red X cutie mark (think "treasure map, but minuses the map) and you can't see Nightingales due to her armor. If you want to get CM info on her and to explain your own you can offer an explanation and let the others use that as an excuse to give you one's in return.}

Brass Belle grins and sidles up to Jack. "And what about you? Do you have some lucky filly back home who losing her mind waiting for you? Or are you still looking for love, because I think our little drop out over there has a serious case of weak knees when it comes to a colt in uniform." He pats Jack on the back and grins at Nightingale who seems to be trying to make herself as small as possible while moving as little as possible. She opens her mouth as if to say something, but the only thing that comes out a strangled cough. Her eyes twitch as she refuses to move them from a fixed point somewhere above Tak's head.

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